

Likarolo tsa lithuthuthu tsa Carbon Fiber

  • Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Belly Lower Side Fairings

    Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Belly Lower Side Fairings

    Melemo ea carbon faeba Honda CBR1000RR mpeng tlaase lehlakoreng fairings ke: 1. E bobebe: Carbon fiber e tsebahala ka karo-karolelano e phahameng ea matla-to-boima.Litholoana tse tlase tse entsoeng ka carbon fiber li bobebe haholo ho feta li-stock fairings, li fokotsa boima ba sethuthuthu.Sena se ka ntlafatsa ho sebetsa ha baesekele, ho potlakisa le ho sebetsa hantle ha mafura.2. Matla a Phahameng: Fiber ea carbon e matla ka tsela e ikhethang ebile e thata.Litholoana tse entsoeng ka carbon fiber li ka mamella ...
  • Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Rear Seat Cover

    Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Rear Seat Cover

    Ho na le melemo e 'maloa ea ho sebelisa sekoahelo sa setulo se ka morao sa carbon fiber bakeng sa Honda CBR1000RR: 1. E bobebe: Carbon fiber e tsejoa ka thepa ea eona e bobebe.Ka ho sebelisa sekoaelo sa setulo se ka morao sa carbon fiber, boima ba sethuthuthu bo ka fokotsoa.Sena se ka lebisa ntlafatsong ea ts'ebetso le ts'ebetso.2. Matla le Tšireletseho: Fiber ea carbon e matla ka tsela e ikhethang ebile e tšoarella nako e telele.E hanyetsana haholo le tšenyo ha e bapisoa le lisebelisoa tse ling tse kang polasetiki kapa fiberglass.Ka ho sebelisa carbon fibe...
  • Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Headlight Intake Fairings

    Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Headlight Intake Fairings

    Ho na le melemo e mengata ea ho sebelisa carbon fiber Honda CBR1000RR headlight intake fairings: 1. E bobebe: Fiber ea carbon e tsejoa ka thepa ea eona e bobebe.Tšebeliso ea carbon fiber fairings e fokotsa boima bo akaretsang ba sethuthuthu, e leng se etsang hore ho be le bokhoni bo ntlafetseng le ho sebetsana le tsona.Sena se molemo haholo bakeng sa libaesekele tsa lipapali tse kang Honda CBR1000RR, moo ounce e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e leng bohlokoa bakeng sa ts'ebetso e nepahetseng.2. Keketseho ea aerodynamics: Moralo oa carbon fiber fairings hangata ke aerodyn ...
  • Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Tank Side Knee Grip Panels

    Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Tank Side Knee Grip Panels

    Ho na le melemo e mengata ea ho ba le liphanele tsa ho tšoara ka mahlakoreng a carbon fiber tank ho Honda CBR1000RR.1. Phokotso ea Boima: Carbon fiber e bobebe haholo ha e bapisoa le lisebelisoa tse ling tse kang tšepe kapa polasetiki.Ka ho sebelisa liphanele tsa ho tšoara mangole tsa carbon fiber, u fokotsa boima ba sethuthuthu ka kakaretso.Sena se ka ntlafatsa ho potlakisa, ho ts'oaroa le ho sebetsa ha baesekele ka kakaretso.2. Matla le Tšireletseho: Fiber ea carbon e tsebahala ka tekanyo ea eona e ikhethang ea matla ho isa ho boima ba 'mele.Ke str...
  • Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Full Tank Cover

    Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Full Tank Cover

    Ho na le melemo e 'maloa ea ho ba le sekoahelo sa carbon fiber e tletseng tanka bakeng sa Honda CBR1000RR: 1. E bobebe: Fiber ea carbon e tsejoa ka tekanyo ea eona e phahameng ea matla le boima ba 'mele, e leng se etsang hore e be thepa e loketseng bakeng sa likarolo tsa lithuthuthu.Sekoahelo sa carbon fiber tank se bobebe haholo ho feta polasetiki kapa tšepe ea tšepe, ho fokotsa boima ba baesekele le ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso.2. Tšireletso e Eketsehileng: Sekoahelo sa tanka ea carbon faeba se fana ka tšireletso e eketsehileng tanka ea mafura, shie...
  • Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Basireletsi ba Heel Guards

    Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Basireletsi ba Heel Guards

    Melemo ea carbon fiber Honda CBR1000RR balebeli ba serethe ba sireletsang ba kenyelletsa: 1. E bobebe: Carbon fiber e tsejoa ka thepa ea eona e bobebe.Ka ho sebelisa balebeli ba serethe sa carbon faeba, boima bohle ba sethuthuthu ha bo eketsehe haholo, bo ka ntlafatsang ts'ebetso ea baesekele le ho e ts'oara.2. Ho tšoarella nako e telele: fiber ea carbon ke ntho e matla haholo ebile e tšoarella nako e telele.E hanana le litšusumetso 'me e na le karo-karolelano e phahameng ea matla ho boima.Balebeli ba serethe sa carbon fiber ba khona ho mamella ...
  • Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR 2017+ Upper Tail Fairing Cowl

    Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR 2017+ Upper Tail Fairing Cowl

    Molemo oa ho sebelisa carbon fiber upper tail fairing cowl bakeng sa Honda CBR1000RR 2017+ ke ka tsela e latelang: 1. E bobebe: Carbon fiber e tsejoa ka tekanyo e phahameng ea matla-to-weight.Ho sebelisa k'habone fiber e ka holimo mohatla fairing cowl ho fokotsa boima ba kakaretso ea sethuthuthu, ho fella ka ho ntlafatsa tshebetso le ho tshwara.2. Aerodynamics: Moralo oa khomo e kaholimo ea mohatla o bohlokoa molemong oa ho tsamaisa moea oa baesekele.Li-fibre tsa carbon fiber hangata li etsoa hore li be le boreleli le ho hlaka ...
  • Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR 2017+ Undertail Tlas'a Cowl

    Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR 2017+ Undertail Tlas'a Cowl

    Ho na le melemo e 'maloa ho Honda CBR1000RR 2017+ Carbon Fiber Undertail Under Cowl: 1. E bobebe: Carbon fiber ke thepa e bobebe, e etsang hore sekoti se tlas'a cowl se be bobebe ho feta lisebelisoa tsa setso.Sena se ka ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea baesekele ka ho fokotsa boima ba 'mele le ho ntlafatsa bokhoni ba ho tsamaisa baesekele.2. Matla le ho tšoarella: Fiber ea carbon e tsebahala ka tekanyo e phahameng ea matla ho boima ba 'mele, e etsang hore e tšoarelle ka ho fetisisa.E fana ka khanyetso e ntle ea tšusumetso le mokhathala, e etsa hore e id ...
  • Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Swingarm E Koahela Basireletsi

    Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Swingarm E Koahela Basireletsi

    Ho na le melemo e 'maloa ea ho sebelisa carbon fiber swingarm likoahelo / li sireletsa bakeng sa Honda CBR1000RR: 1. Matla le nako e telele: Carbon fiber e tsejoa ka tekanyo ea eona e phahameng ea matla ho boima ba 'mele, e etsa hore e be matla haholo le ho tšoarella ho feta lisebelisoa tse ling.Sena se bolela hore sekoaelo sa swingarm/basireletsi ba khona ho mamella tšusumetso le likotsi hamolemo, ho fana ka tšireletso e eketsehileng ho swingarm.2. Boima bo bobebe: Carbon fiber ke thepa e bobebe, e bolelang hore swingarm e koahela / e sireletsa ...
  • Carbon Fiber Honda CBR10000RR Front Fairing Cowl

    Carbon Fiber Honda CBR10000RR Front Fairing Cowl

    Molemo oa carbon fiber front fairing cowl bakeng sa Honda CBR10000RR e ka kenyelletsa tse latelang: 1. Boima bo bobebe: Carbon fiber e tsejoa ka tekanyo ea eona e phahameng ea matla-to-weight, e etsang hore e be bobebe haholo ho feta lisebelisoa tsa setso tse kang polasetiki kapa fiberglass.Sena se fokotsa boima ba 'mele ka kakaretso ba sethuthuthu, se lebisang ho potlakiso e ntlafetseng, ho e tšoara le ho sebetsa hantle ha mafura.2. Aerodynamics e ntlafalitsoeng: Lits'oants'o tsa carbon fiber li entsoe ho nahanoa ka melao-motheo ea aerodynamic, e lumellang ho becha ...
  • Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Chain Guard

    Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Chain Guard

    Ho na le melemo e 'maloa ea ho sebelisa molebeli oa ketane ea carbon fiber ho Honda CBR1000RR: 1. E bobebe: Fiber ea carbon e tsejoa ka tekanyo ea eona e phahameng ea matla-ho boima.Ka ho fetola molebeli oa ketane ea thepa ka carbon fiber e le 'ngoe, u ka fokotsa boima ba sethuthuthu haholo.Sena se ka ntlafatsa ho sebetsana le ho potlakisa ka kakaretso, ho etsa hore baesekele e arabele haholoanyane.2. Keketseho ea Nako e Tšoarellang: Fiber ea carbon e matla haholo 'me e hanana le tšusumetso, e leng se etsang hore e tšoarelle nako e telele.A carbon fiber ...
  • Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Engine Sekoahelo Le letšehali Mosireletsi

    Carbon Fiber Honda CBR1000RR Engine Sekoahelo Le letšehali Mosireletsi

    Ho na le melemo e 'maloa ea ho sebelisa sekoahelo sa carbon fiber enjene sekoahelo se letšehali bakeng sa Honda CBR1000RR: 1. Boima bo bobebe: Carbon fiber e tsejoa ka thepa ea eona e bobebe.Ho sebelisa sekoaelo sa enjene ea carbon fiber ho ka fokotsa boima ba sethuthuthu ka kakaretso, se ka ntlafatsang ts'ebetso ea sona, ho ts'oaroa le ho sebetsa hantle ha mafura.2. Matla le Nako e Tšoarellang: Fiber ea carbon e matla ka mokhoa o makatsang, 'me e tšoarella nako e telele, e leng se etsang hore e be sesebelisoa se loketseng sekoahelo sa enjene.E khona ho mamella litlamorao, ho thothomela le ...